Monday, June 02, 2008

Lendo a biografia do Slash. Interesting quotes so far:
"I was fascinated by the machinations of performance back then and I still am now. A stage full of instruments awaiting a band is exciting to me. The sight of a guitar still turns me on. There is an unstated wonder in both of them: they hold the ability to transcend reality given the right set of players".
"David Bowie's entire concert was the essence of performance. I saw the familiar elements of a man I'd gotten to know exaggrated to the extreme. He had reduced rock stardom to its roots: being a rock star is the intersection of who you are and who you want to be."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"being a rockstar is an intersection of who you are and who you want to be" ... bem, no meu caso being a rock star seria já ser who I wanted to be! :P Mas td bem, pq vc faz minhas vezes on the road, AMO. beijo. (L) [Adri]

1:26 PM  
Blogger .cecilia. said...

Sinto sua faltaaaaaaaaaaaa...
Vc não pode medir a saudade.
Tô torcendo por vc e cada vez mais cheia de orgulho. Vc merece tudo de bom que existe nesse mundo.
Eu te amo demais!
Take care :)
Juízo, e muita paz pra vc.
Quero te ver bem sempre.
Sua irmã,

6:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Gus, it's Dani, from Barcelona, remember me? I tried to contact you through e-mail, with no luck. I found out about your departure from Adagio, and I wanted to catch up.

If you read this and you want to keep in touch: Hope to hear from you, old friend!!

11:34 AM  

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