Ont sommes vraiment beaux, hein??? OOOH LALALALALALALA!!!!!!
Wow, that was the last day at the Bunker and I can say I had a great time with the Lighseekers. My parts are done for the album and I guess all of us are happy... I will be posting a bunch of pics from the trip and recordings so far! My big big big thank you to the new friends I made on this journey. Bam Bam, Gay Warrior, Magic and Pat, we had a blast! Bonne courage pour finir le boulout dans le submarine... Thanks to Nicky and her kids for coming over, Romain too, Guillaume, Amandine and see you all again.
Today we continued working on the new Adagio songs. I am at Kevin's AMAZING new studio and we work hard as usual... The new music is gonna be amazing and I will keep all of you posted...
Bises de Nanterre....... GUS
Ontem levei o DVD do Adagio pros pais da Rá verem e eles ficaram amarradões. :)
To com saudades, ainda não consegui ver o case, mas vou continuar tentando achar nas lojas online de Paris. Bisous
Great souvenir too !! gus the lover ^^ with the guitar .......
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