Neve Escarlate
Tive uma experiência sensacional ontem. Ela me fez pensar em e lembrar de varias coisas na minha vida.
Tenho um desejo enorme. Que nunca vai poder se realizar, certamente. Queria poder ouvir musica como um não-musico. Queria ser tocado pela arte sem estar analisando a produção, a composição, a gravação, a puta que o pariu. Lembrei do meu pai, quando comprei meu primeiro disco e ele escutou comigo, porque eu precisava ouvir o baixo e entender o que cada coisa significava naquele bolo, o que era cada som. Lembrei de um disco que ele me deu, com uma musica da Joan Jett (agora, como musico chato, sei que era do Gary Glitter, mas pouco importa) e me apaixonei tanto por ela, que ele ia TER que traduzir a letra pra mim naquele instante. Ouviu a musica mil vezes, copiou a letra e eu finalmente me vi obrigado a aprender inglês. Os mil discos que ouvi com meus irmãos e os debates em torno deles. Lembrei de uma pessoa dirigindo possuida na noite de ano novo correndo pra me ver antes da meia-noite, com uma musica no repeat e sei que ela não estava no repeat pela letra. Ou pela musica. Era algo maior. Algo velho pra mim, um frio na barriga, arrepio que a musica pôde mais me trazer e que eu sei que não poderei mais sentir. Quando a inocência é perdida, ela é perdida. Sinto outras coisas geniais através dos sons, mas isso eu não posso ter de volta. Não vou mais conseguir ouvir musica como um não-musico.
Como a vida é justa, se você estiver aberto, pode ter um milhão de experiências bacanas. Ontem ouvi musica como quando eu tinha 8, 9 anos. Fui num espetaculo de dança contemporânea. Jah sabendo de antemão que ele fazia o link entre a musica irlandesa (que eu adoro) e a musica corsa (que eu não conhecia), conhecendo o conceito que era a liberdade, em seus diversos sentidos, desde os movimentos do corpo até a questão politica. Fiquei ali, envolto. Admirando tudo aquilo que é tão longe do meu universo, mas minha sensibilidade permitiu que eu pudesse estar "in". Logicamente, um milhão de detalhes e elementos se perderam na tradução. Quer saber, na minha ignorância e nova inocência, eu pude tirar varias coisas dessse momento. Me alegra muito saber que essa foi uma primeira experiência de mão-dupla, porque sei que foi legal pra grande artista que eu vi no palco ontem ver o que eu faço... E fazer a sua leitura propria da musica complicada à primeira vista, das unhas pintadas de preto e do personagem que não é um personagem ao mesmo tempo...Ler a bula é fundamental!!!
Não vou nem entrar no mérito do louco que começou a gritar no meio do espetaculo. Nem vou contar do mendigo que apareceu por lah durante a cerveja pos-espetaculo e mereceria todo um texto à seu respeito. Eric, mendigo PROFISSIONAL. Mas, uma imagem diz mais do que mil palavras... Vale a pena clicar para aumentar a foto e ler a camiseta do figura.
P.S: Bel, por falar em ler a bula, tou lendo o manual da câmera :-) Vou acabar fazendo fotos melhores...
English version by demand (sorry, my French ain't good enough to try it...)
Scarlet Snow
I had the most incredible experience last night. It made be think about and remember many things in my life.
I have a huge desire. That will never be able to come true, for sure. I would love to be able to listen to music as a non-musician. I would love to be touched by the art without analyzing the production, composition, recording, whatever the hell I do. I thought of my dad, when I bought my first record and he listened to it with me, because I needed to listen to the bass and understand it, dissect what every little thing meant in that mass, which sound was what. I remembered a record he gave me with a Joan Jett song (which now, as na annoying musician, I know was in reality, a Gary Glitter song, but it doesn’t mind) and I fell in love so hard for it, that he HAD to translate the lyrics for me at that moment. He heard the song a thousand times, wrote down the lyrics and finally saw myself needing to learn English ASAP; The thousand records I have listened to with my brothers and the debates around them. I thought of someone driving possessed in a New Years Eve to be with me before midnight, with a song on repeat mode blasting on the car and I know it wasn’t for the lyrics. Or for the music. It was something greater. Something old for me, a chill in the stomach, a shiver that music was able to offer me and I know I cannot feel anymore. When innocence is lost, it is LOST. I can get many thrills through sounds, but THAT I can’t have back. I will never be able to listen to music as a non-musician.
As life is fair, if you are open, you can have millions of neat experiences. Last night, I listened to music as if I was 8 or 9 years old. I went to a contemporary dance spectacle. Already knowing beforehand it made a link between Irish music (which I love) and Corse music (which I was not familiar with), knowing the concept about freedom, in different senses, from liberty of body movements to political issues. I just sat there, surrounded. Admiring all these things which are so far removed from my universe, but my sensitivity still allowed me to feel as if I was “in”. Evidentely, a million details and elements were lost in translation. But, you know what? In my ignorance and new-found innocence, I could take lots of things from this special moment. My heart is filled with joy by knowing this was a two-way first hand experience, because I know the great artist I saw on stage last night had something cool too from seeing what I do... And she made her own interpretation of the “complicated at first sight” music I make, the nails painted black and the “personage” which is not really a”personage” at the same time... Reading the prescription is mandatory!
I am not even going to get started about the madman who started screaming during the spectacle. I am not even going to mention the beggar who has shown up there during the after-spectacle beer and would deserve an entire text about himself. Eric, PROFESSIONAL beggar. But, an image speaks more than a thousand words... It’s worthy to click on the picture to make it bigger and read his amazing t-shirt..
PS: Bel, talking about reading prescriptions, I am reading the manual to the camera :-) . I will end up taking better picures...
I had the most incredible experience last night. It made be think about and remember many things in my life.
I have a huge desire. That will never be able to come true, for sure. I would love to be able to listen to music as a non-musician. I would love to be touched by the art without analyzing the production, composition, recording, whatever the hell I do. I thought of my dad, when I bought my first record and he listened to it with me, because I needed to listen to the bass and understand it, dissect what every little thing meant in that mass, which sound was what. I remembered a record he gave me with a Joan Jett song (which now, as na annoying musician, I know was in reality, a Gary Glitter song, but it doesn’t mind) and I fell in love so hard for it, that he HAD to translate the lyrics for me at that moment. He heard the song a thousand times, wrote down the lyrics and finally saw myself needing to learn English ASAP; The thousand records I have listened to with my brothers and the debates around them. I thought of someone driving possessed in a New Years Eve to be with me before midnight, with a song on repeat mode blasting on the car and I know it wasn’t for the lyrics. Or for the music. It was something greater. Something old for me, a chill in the stomach, a shiver that music was able to offer me and I know I cannot feel anymore. When innocence is lost, it is LOST. I can get many thrills through sounds, but THAT I can’t have back. I will never be able to listen to music as a non-musician.
As life is fair, if you are open, you can have millions of neat experiences. Last night, I listened to music as if I was 8 or 9 years old. I went to a contemporary dance spectacle. Already knowing beforehand it made a link between Irish music (which I love) and Corse music (which I was not familiar with), knowing the concept about freedom, in different senses, from liberty of body movements to political issues. I just sat there, surrounded. Admiring all these things which are so far removed from my universe, but my sensitivity still allowed me to feel as if I was “in”. Evidentely, a million details and elements were lost in translation. But, you know what? In my ignorance and new-found innocence, I could take lots of things from this special moment. My heart is filled with joy by knowing this was a two-way first hand experience, because I know the great artist I saw on stage last night had something cool too from seeing what I do... And she made her own interpretation of the “complicated at first sight” music I make, the nails painted black and the “personage” which is not really a”personage” at the same time... Reading the prescription is mandatory!
I am not even going to get started about the madman who started screaming during the spectacle. I am not even going to mention the beggar who has shown up there during the after-spectacle beer and would deserve an entire text about himself. Eric, PROFESSIONAL beggar. But, an image speaks more than a thousand words... It’s worthy to click on the picture to make it bigger and read his amazing t-shirt..
PS: Bel, talking about reading prescriptions, I am reading the manual to the camera :-) . I will end up taking better picures...
Eu nem vou comentar o post, acho que vc sabe o que eu falaria ... Saudades, need you bad. Beijo- [Adri]
Belo texto Gu!
Quando a gente acha que já conhece tudo, que entende de tudo, nada mais tende a se mostrar novo.
Mas a partir do momento em que nos abrimos para a possibilidade de novidade, nos surpreendemos e só ganhamos mais conhecimento!
Que bom que está lendo o manual da câmera! Continue tirando muitas fotos e postando td dia pra gente matar um pouco das saudades!
Te amo, se cuida!
Ah, ADOREI a camiseta do mengigo, espetacular!!!
Meus ouvidos ainda são inocentes para a música. Algo que transcende realmente a letra e ao som. Acho que as ,músicas, assim como todas as manifestações de arte, levam, resultam em mil significados e sensações despertas que a princípo nem foram propositais. Achoq ue é como a vida de uma pessoa. Não sabemos ao cero como será, quais influências irá atingir, resultados, emoções que irá incitar...enfim.
Prefiro manter-me inocente o que não significa propriamente ser ignorante. A arte tem essa função sublime, de nos fazer transcender a regra, ao lógico, ao racional.
Primoroso o seu texto. Achoque está se aperfeiçoando na sua linguagem. CAda dia que passa, tenho a certeza maior que de este era o único caminho que você poderia seguir.
GEnial o mendigo profissional!!!
Esta é a opoinião de uma leitora. Tentei separar tudo. e muito bem lembrado o transe do ano novo. algo mágico ocorre no som de Buch Walker.
Saudade, meu grande amigo! E vou repetir a Bebel...belo texto!
Torço e rezo por vc sempre. E te ver cada vez melhor e mais feliz é maravilhoso.
E como a gente pode, e deve sonhar, faz de conta q aquele mendigo era eu, doido pra tomar umas contigo.
Bjo, Gui.
Hats off to you.
(quando puder, assim de maneira bem delicada, dah um toque na pessoa sobre mudar o penteado... hihi)
Atualiza, dammit! :P Sodads- Bj [Adri]
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