7-day wild, wild weekend...
Where to start and where does it end? Kinda hard to explain how crazy this week has been. This is my first day off (oops, working on new music doesn't count as an off day...) in a while.
I will be posting some great pics over the next few days of the Angel Heart reunion + workshop with Kiko Loureiro. Even though my voice was shut for the first time in a looooong time, I managed to perform and enjoy sharing the stage and great laughter with some good friends, see people I hadn't seen in over 10 years... Thanks for the friends who came from Belo Horizonte, São Paulo and even Atlanta for the festivities! Thank you Ka for dealing with my temper and takig care of me.
I thought 50 people would show up and I heard something like 400-450 people, with a bunch of people who couldn't get in, because it was really packed.
It was cool playing those songs and I will be thanking each one of the guests who brought so much energy with their smiles and music for us. It was a gift to my soul having you guys on/off stage.
The workshop was really cool yesterday. Everybody was great, Gargamel played his ass off and Kiko was great. Hope you can show me the wonders of Rio Branco someday, dude (in-joke...) !!!
I have also seen Firehouse and Ted Poley live in Rio this Sunday. Brought back grat memories of years gone by...
Fico feliz que o workshop foi legal ... e fico feliz que o Angel Heart reunion foi um sucesso (I was there, I was fucking there ... singing Crazy Nights from the top of my lungs, soooooo cool, a dream come true!) e fico feliz de ter tido a sua companhia num dos melhores shows da minha vida (ééééé, Firehouse, bocoió)... mas o que fico mais feliz de tuuuuudo foi ter passado um tempo com vc e a super-Monsanto-family em Petrópolis ... mastercard moment, não tem preço ... :D :D :D Já tô azurrrr de sodads ... beijoooo grande [Adri]
Semana maravilhosa..corridaaaaaa mas foi tudo bem bom e ainda me levou pra ver o canta fino \o/, ruim é voltar pra casa...
(casa? q casa? ahuahuahuaha)
Fico feliz cuidando de você...
E eu já disse...
vc é chato, ranzinza e mora longe mas eu adoro =P
e fica bonzinho logo
kiko ! yeah. and great shirt by the way ahah
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