Wednesday, October 22, 2008

HELSINKI - September, 2008

Hi there, everyone!

I had been waiting for the site to get in line to finally upload my pics of Helsinki...
Well, here they are, in no particular order:

At the main lobby of the On the Rocks club, in Helsinki, one of the top rock bars in town. Bunch of karaoke bars everywhere too.

Sending Tolkki all my love through an SMS from On the Rocks after last night of recording sessions.

Behind the counter playing bartender with my new friend Anne behind the counter at On the Rocks... Great Finnish drinks. Owe you a postcard... Thanx for the support to the Paris trip plus free drinks + gifs. Been used already :-) HARD AS A ROCK, looooooooool

Avalonica and I.

At the subway station.

Nice boots, Adagio dude :-)

Chilling at Sonic Pump.

Bruno's time to chill.

Needing some sleep at Sonic Pump. Too much partying in Hellstinki.

Bruno jamming with Timo's ESP in his working room.

Véi dançô! My turn...

É Timo, entende? Between soul searching, vanilla tea, Copying beethoven and even a little singing here and there.

Yes, Capitan.

Working in underwear.

The unforgettable "Metal Meltdown" by Bruno... The screaming Tolkki and Bruno have done would have been enough to make weaker ears bleed. WOMAN BE MY SLAVE! LOOOOOL If you like metal, you're my friend!!!

Helsinki downtown.

Hellsinki Rock shop, one of the rock points in Helsinki. And Gus was late for the recording session :-)

Subway Station close to Sonic Pump. Had a name impossible to be repeated. Like everything else in Finland.

The most gracious Nina Tolkki, thanks for putting up with our mess. Guess you're used to some craziness...

Recording some prayers in Portuguese.

Probably kissing some ass.

Biggs and I in front of Heavy Corner, another rock bar in Helsinki.

Lost & Found. 2 floors. Gays and lesbians are on the lost floor or the found floor? Your pick :-)

Hanging out with Mikey Khalilov and new Finnish friends.

Drinking at the Lost and Found.

In front of Tavastia, one of Finland's rock temples.

Drinking at Tavastia with my brothers.

First night out with my new bros. Here's to many years and nights out and gigs and recordings.

Another Finnish beer. How can I write LONGEROH??????

Nino, from Thuderstone with us, at the Sonic Pump. Had a blast. Missed pics of the Sonic Pump sauna. Will upload the vids eventually...

Sonic Pump, between photo shoot and eating some frozen food.

My Canadian bro Justin Biggs. One man...

Biggs and his bass.

Joseph Stalin and daughter.

Bruno sentando a porrada. Linda essa batera, puta som, puta sala!

Primeira foto de Helsinki.

Monday, October 20, 2008


É com muito orgulho que convido todos ao site da minha nova banda, REVOLUTION RENAISSANCE,

Nele, além de videos, bios, etc, estamos disponibilizando 7 músicas novas para download, gravadas em Helsinki, em Setembro último!!!

Além disso, hoje foram disponibilizados trechos do disco que gravei com o Takara, "Invitation to Forever", que será lançado pela SPV em Novemvbro próximo. O disco tem a participação de Jeff Scott Soto, que pode ser escutado nas músicas que estão em

Tudo de bom!


Saturday, October 11, 2008

I have guested on a song in this album, which I highly reccommend to everyone into good progressive metal. Venturia's "Hybrid" is an amazing disc that just came out, andI am featured in a song called "The hottest ticket in town".
Kicked my ass being on the same record as this 5-headed monster.

Définition: CHANTER : Chanter un air, sur un air, sur l'air du...; chanter une ballade, une cantate, la carmagnole, une complainte, un couplet, l'épître, un hymne, du grégorien, un lai d'amour, les laudes, les litanies, une mélodie, un motet, l'office des morts, un psaume, des ritournelles, une sérénade. Nous chantions ensemble à tue-tête tantôt des chœurs d'opéra-comique, tantôt la messe et les vêpres (G. Sand, Histoire de ma vie, t. 3, 1855, p. 57). Ce qui ne peut pas se dire, on le chante (Sainte-Beuve, Nouveaux lundis, t. 1, 1863-69, p. 14). Le soir, elle se mit au piano et chanta en ukrainien des chansons d'amour (S. de Beauvoir, Mémoires d'une jeune fille rangée, 1958, p. 275). Synonymes : chanter : aboyer, agréer, barytonner, beugler, bouillir, bourdonner, brailler, braire, bramer, chansonner, chantonner, chevroter, conter, convenir, coqueriquer, crier, célébrer, dire, débiter, déchiffrer, dégoiser, détonner, entonner, exalter, exécuter, fredonner, gazouiller, glorifier, goualer, gringotter, grésiller, gueuler, hurler, jaser, jodler, louer, machicoter, miauler, moduler, murmurer, nuancer, plaire, proclamer, psalmodier, publier, pépier, rabâcher, raconter, radoter, railler, ramager, redire, roucouler, répéter, s'égosiller, se glorifier, se vanter, seriner, siffler, solfier, sourire, striduler, ténoriser, vocaliser.

Monday, October 06, 2008



Nucrepe com meus grandes amigos Hercilia e Gui Siervi

Dani, eu, Gui, Aline, César, Pipinha, Carol e Syren

+ Carlos (Syren) e a Maila, minha finlandesa querida do Hardblast!

Gui, Patricia, Diego e Godô, no churrasco da minha chegada.



Marina fofa :-)

Meu parceiro.

Mônica, Giovana e Odilissima.

Buenos Fuckin'Aires. Faltou um monte de gente nessas fotos, vou caçar outras!