SUPER ROCK NUCREPE - 15/03/2008 - 22:00
Esperamos vcs por lah!!!
Before I go any further, I would like to say a MEGA HAPPY BIRTHDAY to a couple of very dear friends of mine:
a-) My Nicky. Thanks for having always been there for me. It's a pleasure having you in my life as a working partner and as a friend. Great work and heart o'gold. Luv ya.
b-) Alê and Guizin Valhalla (Skyrion), tracking guitars. Alê is a guitar hero, sound engineer supreme, great brother, pizza and muffin eater, beer drinker. Você é um irmão muito querido e seu talento e amizade são um presente na minha vida. Valeu por acreditar em mim sempre. Tudo de bom pra vc, Taisa e o herdeiro!
Have left my camera in France last january and just now got all my pics from the trip back. Had to pay almost the full price of the camera because fuckin'customs decided to tax my old camera, scratched and filled with old pics of mine. Better late than never, so I share a couple of captures from last couple of months:
c-)Last week, on the way to see Dream Theater, my friends Dri and Doug (Missing in Action: Gilberto. QUE PORRA é essa???) and my Carol. Great having you guys in Rio.
d-) Drinking with my buddies Vanessa, Luizinho Varanda, Percy (one of my favorite guitar players) and Mizi. Luizinho lives in the US and was great having him around for a couple of days.
e-) With my Darling Nikki and Seigneur du Metal Guillaume. Pigging out at Mc D's in a Sunday afternoon in Montpellier, Winter, 2008.
f-) My dear friend Nanou Campos and her hubby Thomas. Nanou used to be responsible for adagio's fan club when I first joined the band and was who heard me before the guys in the band. It was great seeing her new baby and new life. Thanks 4 being such a dear friend and I am proud of you.
g-) Brothers Fabien and Charly recording me for the upcoming Venturia CD. Can't wait to listen to it, guys!
h-) Lulu, Mama and Candy. Cool evening of drinking a la maison :-) Notice the "fine" bottle of cachaça for the drinks I poured.
i-) Pat and P'tit Shampoo hanging out with me at Circus, a very cool pub in Montpellier.
j-) Same evening, different bar. La Petite. Rock'n'roll!
k-) é muito bom reencontrar velhos amigos. Este cara, the artist formely known as Miojo, é um amigo muito querido que tive o privilégio de trabalhar e passar um bom tempo recntemente na gravação da Skyrion. Ralmente, posso afirmr que esse tempo e as risadas foram das melhores coisas que esse cd trouxe para mim. Adoro vc, brother! Agora, apressa meus instrumentos, kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
l-)Last moment of Christmas Lights in Place de Comedie,in Montpellier. I feel a local in there already.
I'll see you around.